
Showing posts from February, 2022


  St Hildegard writes: "When God created man, a different type of earth was used to form him. Henceforth, all substances were subject to man, because they sensed that in him was life, and they endeavoured to aid him in him in all his efforts, and man's aim, in turn, was to help them."   WHITE DEAD-NETTLE (LAMIUM ALBUM) The white dead-nettle is warm and those who enjoy it like to laugh because its warmth affects the  spleen  and thus cheers the heart. Against the  GROWING WHITE SPOT IN THE EYE,  the fresh plant should be placed in spring water overnight, and then sauteed in a pan over the fire. Afterwards it is to be  tied over the eyes while still warm , for three days and three nights. (From: St Hildegard of Bingen, Physica) FAVOURITE MEDIEVAL REMEDIES AGAINST: • Heart problems   This translation is for informative purposes only. If you suffer from any illnesses or conditions, please seek medical help.


  St Hildegard writes: "When God created man, a different type of earth was used to form him. Henceforth, all substances were subject to man, because they sensed that in him was life, and they endeavoured to aid him in him in all his efforts, and man's aim, in turn, was to help them." CUCKOOPINT (ARUM MACULATUM) Cuckoopint is neither moist nor very strong, but it has an even, moderate warmth, like the sun after its rise, like the dew in summer before daybreak is pleasant. In the case of the  PLAGUE  with  BLACK BUBOES , which ends in painful death, the leaves and the roots should be given [...] (From: St Hildegard of Bingen, Physica) FAVOURITE MEDIEVAL REMEDIES AGAINST: • snakes   This translation is for informative purposes only. If you suffer from any illnesses or conditions, please seek medical help.


  St Hildegard writes: "When God created man, a different type of earth was used to form him. Henceforth, all substances were subject to man, because they sensed that in him was life, and they endeavoured to aid him in him in all his efforts, and man's aim, in turn, was to help them." WILD HOP (BYRONIA ALBA) Wild hop is  warm . For human consumption it is as useless as weed. Its warmth is  dangerous .  However, it is an  ANTIDOTE TO POISON  . If this plant is singed so that its scent or its heat comes in contact with poison, the latter loses its potency. If it is fried in the fire like a turnip and afterwards - still hot - cut into pieces, its smell drives away  TOADS AND SNAKES . Even man is affected by this if he has not  protected himself beforehand by the consumption of rue. Against  OPEN ULCERS ON THE FEET  place wild hop on them (which have been boiled in water), and pour the cooking water over the feet [once it has cooled down]. (From: St Hildegard of Bingen, Physi